This was such a healing time of my life!
Most times in my life when I’ve gone through such deep transitions, it has felt intense and rough and excruciating and impossible and…….and…..and….
But there is something about being a mother that makes it all possible. The only choice was to heal and expect beauty at the crossroads. It was my choice. It was Gods choice for me that became MY choice. I was guided by love 1,000% of the way.
In the prior massive transitions I went through I was flattened to mother earth and God spoke to me. So I dealt and I made it through the birth labyrinth of life lessons. This time was different. I landed on Earth like an angel ready to receive her wings. I sank into the beauty of the divine mothers arms and became. I just became. After a year of being. Just being.
Nearly a year prior to the lockdowns, I sold my brick and mortar business that I spent 12 years building. I really thought I was building a legacy. Well, I actually was, it just looked differently than I thought it was supposed to. I held the name Nature’s Whisper for 23 years. It was the name of my yoga business, my Yoga Teacher Trainings and the foundation for my brick and mortar yoga studio which held the space for so many women under the guise of Hot Mama Yoga. One day I woke up and was so infiltrated with dealing with the business that I realized the legacy I was building for my son was not actually serving him….OR ME! My greatest calling was to be a mother and serve mothers, not to serve a business. I spent so many years serving the mother outwardly that I forgot to serve the mother within my own self. You see, I had always felt that I too would be served through my business but yet I was not being served in the greatest times I needed it. I took a step back and handed the baton over. For that I am sorry. I never meant to abandon what I built. I had faith and that faith laid in God’s hands and I was quickly shown that not all are authentic in their words or promises. But God quickly showed me that it was for a greater good and for that I am forever grateful.
When the lockdowns happened I was in the throws of enjoying my son and our life together as an at home mom and semi-retired. Then I realized I wanted a greater life than what was being dealt at the hands of our corrupt government. I have never been one to follow the status quo and I wasn’t about to comply now that my sons health and safety was involved. So I put all our stuff in storage, hopped a plane with 5 pairs of underwear each for me and my son, a few shorts and bathing suits. I booked tickets two weeks out and swiftly took off for Costa Rica. We had no plans, one place to stay (that actually fell through the day we landed) and an excitement for adventure that both me and my son shared. We ventured over the peninsula on a car ferry, drove through the jungle roads to the tip of the Nicoya coast, found a bungalow deep in the jungle on 8 acres, hung up a hammock and rested for a year. I sat with God and listened to the whispers of God.
There’s nothing that holds me hostage. Nothing that holds me back. I am a mother. God whispered…… “You are no longer a child of the earthly realms. You are a mother.” ~Messages from my hammock in the blue zone, the beach jungles of Costa Rica.
And with that The Unconventional Mamas was born!
Are you ready to hear the whispers?
DM me if you’d like this level of surrender and owning your life. I’m here to serve the mother.
I am enthusiastic to be back working with mothers in some very exciting new ways. Most of those ways are ways I know deeply and have shared for nearly 30 years but they are showing up so much more powerfully in new ways. If you have read this far, thank you! Thank you for trusting in me all these years to share my wisdom and love of the mother. I have some very exciting things coming your way!
PS. If you would like see our journey in Costa Rica they are in my instagram highlights. There are a lot of them!